World Class Life Coach
International Corporate Advise
Scientific Reasearch Analysis
Pro Athlete Risk Analysis
Jennifer Kaye
It is not what is done to us in this lifetime that matters the most. It is what we do to our self that is everlasting. Jennifer Kaye 1989
3rd Generation Intuitive
ACCURATE insight into the Challenges between the
Human Mind, Body and Spirit
Communicating Precision Information to Move Forward with Success!
Up Close and Personal with Jennifer Kaye
WHAT have you learned about Life?
The more I experience life, the more I am assured that family, purpose and intention are key elements to loving myself, my life, and the open book to experiencing love, compassion and happiness each day. It's an awareness I have now that allows me to be in my life more. Life is an energy we have available as long as there is breath in our body.
As I age both physically and emotionally, I am proud to have been born into the family I was. I struggled for decades to understand why the indifferences, why the pain and suffering, why the confusion, and today, I understand more about my family dynamic than I ever thought possible. If you can quiet your mind, you can reflect on the experiences and moments that have shaped who you are.
How do you interact with the lessons you have learned?
The risks I have taken in my life have taught me so many incredible lessons. The lessons I continue to invite into my life, the patterns, are becoming more apparent to me so life itself has taken on a very different meaning. I am more aware and positive that the energy I see and believe in, is available to encourage or discourage your life, be used positively or negatively, and surely without any doubt, available to connect you to your hearts desire, if your intention is alignment with your life purpose and lessons.
What do you look forward to in the years to come?
Not running out of the energy I have been blessed with from birth! I have an incredible amount of energy available to me. I am scaling back many of the multiple activities I have found myself participating in over the years without realizing just how much energy it takes to start and finish the projects.
As of 2014, my goal is to continue the deep connection and participation with my children, family and close friends, attach myself to projects that bring joy to my heart, and to give to those communities I feel my gift and resources will manifest positive change and abundance for years to come.

My thoughts on connecting your thought to action:
Living Life With Purpose
I've said this to my friends and family for years. I'd like to leave you with this:
We each come to life with a certain amount of time. Our candles are lit at birth. Some of us go through our life with purpose and laughter, some take life slowly, some of us fill our lives with anxiety, some of us live with risks and limited thinking, some of us live in fear, some of us live with passion and strength. One thing is for sure, our candle will will diminish in time.
How we use our time, energy and mind, is up to us.
Wishing you the best! Jennifer Kaye