World Class Life Coach
International Corporate Advise
Scientific Reasearch Analysis
Pro Athlete Risk Analysis
Jennifer Kaye
It is not what is done to us in this lifetime that matters the most. It is what we do to our self that is everlasting. Jennifer Kaye 1989
3rd Generation Intuitive
ACCURATE insight into the Challenges between the
Human Mind, Body and Spirit
Communicating Precision Information to Move Forward with Success!
Pro Athletes and Professional Sports Teams
For the past ten years, Jennifer Kaye has provided "A" list athletes and Professional Sports Teams with a comprehensive look at the energy associated with the player/s and overall team dynamic. From baseball to soccer to basketball, the "energy" of the team is either positive or negative, winning or losing. There are reasons why!
If you are a professional athlete, semi professional or desire to be, Jennifer Kaye is able to quickly assess the strength and weakness of your physical, emotional and mental connection to moving forward short and long term. Many athletes are not aware of the mental and/or emotional challenges associated with the physical body which can affect performance.
If you are experiencing a season with less than expected results, challenges with players, or overall dynamic of your club, a consultation with Jennifer Kaye will allow you to accurately understand the weakness within your structure. You will find a roadmap to success with clear instructions on how to shift into rapid movement.
You will understand the overall energetic dynamic in your environment. This information allows you to strategically analyze your next move.
How does the energy of the coaching staff affect the players? Do you find a positive environment which allows stability, growth and personal improvement leading to optimal performance? Does the coaching staff affect the players in a positive or negative way? Learn the necessary steps to support your staff based upon their individual energy.
What level of success can you expect from the coaching staff? Learn what you need to know about the energy of your coaches before the season begins or understand the necessary adjustments that can be made during the season to conclude with a positive position.
THREE KEY COMPONENTS IN TOP ATHLETES: Mental Focus, Emotional Capacity, and Physical Abilities! If ONE is off, the ENTIRETY OF THE ATHLETE is off!