World Class Life Coach
International Corporate Advise
Scientific Reasearch Analysis
Pro Athlete Risk Analysis
Jennifer Kaye
It is not what is done to us in this lifetime that matters the most. It is what we do to our self that is everlasting. Jennifer Kaye 1989
3rd Generation Intuitive
ACCURATE insight into the Challenges between the
Human Mind, Body and Spirit
Communicating Precision Information to Move Forward with Success!
Jennifer Kaye works with private clients, licensed physicians, scientists and more. Her unique gift allows her to naturally analyze many areas of medicine and science associated with the human self.
Currently working Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and every other Friday, Jennifer brings her wisdom with a smile, open heart and a great deal of compassion. When you are with Jennifer, you are able to sit back, feel your body and relax your mind. Taping is allowed.

Energy of Life
The ENERGY of LIFE is explained by understanding the energy associated and accumulated with a human beings life. By reading the clients life from birth, Jennifer Kaye can quickly analyze why the emotional, mental, spiritual or physical self has become misaligned.
One of Jennifer's most popular programs is the "Energy of Life." Every client begins with understanding what challenges from birth, have caused an imbalance within themself. They will take the necessary tools with them to move forward with ease, confidence and the time necessary for creating a life long balance within.
7 Week Program
60 minutes each session
This program requires a 30 minute appointment with Jennifer in person or via skype/facetime prior to scheduling.

See, Hear, Feel and Smell
Is processed through the brain and through the nervous system.
Understanding how LIFE has affected you positively and negatively is a tool that can change your life.
ANGER, WORRY, FEAR and RESENTMENT, is CONNECTED to illness, cancer, and the termination of one's life!
Have you every wondered why you do not FEEL the LOVE you desire?
Love is a very complex word with many different explanations to the person using and hearing the word.
Learn why you do not FEEL the love that surrounds you and perhaps why those around you do not feel the love you give.
The Energy of the Heart Program:
3 Sessions
60 minutes each

Program Includes:
Book, natures energy wear, and essential oil for Love Energy.
The Energy of the Heart-Love
Fifteen Minute Appointments for Physicians:
Appointments offered to licensed professionals:
- Analyzing physiology of various cancers
- Identifying unforeseen mental and/or emotional challenges attached to illness
- Insight into on-going physical challenges undiagnosed
- Discovery of unseen traumatic emotional patterns
15 Minute Sessions
Billed in 15 minute blocks.
The Energy of Families:
Why are we brought together in this life time? Why do we have such a difficult time understanding our children? Why do our children cause us such challenges year after year?
There is an ENERGY between parents and children, brother and sisters and other immediate family members.
Learn how to understand the balance necessary to live in a harmoneous, supportive, loving environment, regardless of current or past issues.