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During your time with Jennifer, please know that she has the information you are seeking.  You do not need nor will she ask for you to tell her about your challenges.  


When your session begins, you are able to sit back, relax and receive.  Her gift is unique.  She is candid, heartfelt and leads with compassion.  

After fifteen years,  Jennifer Kaye is semi-retired.  She works with new clients on a limited basis.  


As she begins her Web Television Series and Radio Show:  The Energy of LIfe with Jennifer Kaye, her focus is to work with a broader audience on a consistent weekly basis.


Her Current Client Fees (2014):

30 minute session: $250

60 minute session: $485


Her Current Corporation/Sports Team/Business Session Fees (2014):

60 minute session $1200

30 minute session $600

15 minute session $300


Every other TUESDAY,  Jennifer Kaye sets four (30 minute) appointments at the session fee of: $100.   These sessions are for new clients and are for those who are not able to pay her normal fees.



Working with Jennifer Kaye - What would it feel like if you could sit with a person who knows the challenges, experiences, moments and "reasons" for your imbalance, from the time of your birth?


The moment you hear her voice, feel her heart, and connect to the truth she provides, you will find your self emerging into your own SELF HEALING!   Humble, compassionate, and driven by her heart! 



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Medical Intuitive, Medical Intuitive Reader, Intuitive, Intuitive Coach, 3rd Generation Clairvoyant, 3rd Generation Naturally Gifted Medical Intuitive, Healing Master, Intuitive Reader, Jennifer Kaye, Intuitive Empowerment Coach - ©2000 by Jennifer Kaye, Inc. All rights reserved.  

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