World Class Life Coach
International Corporate Advise
Scientific Reasearch Analysis
Pro Athlete Risk Analysis
Jennifer Kaye
It is not what is done to us in this lifetime that matters the most. It is what we do to our self that is everlasting. Jennifer Kaye 1989
3rd Generation Intuitive
ACCURATE insight into the Challenges between the
Human Mind, Body and Spirit
Communicating Precision Information to Move Forward with Success!
Communicate with Us!
To book an appearance, appointment or for a seat in the audience of "The Energy of Life" with Jennifer Kaye, contact us by email:
Our voice mail fills up each day very quickly. We attempt to reach every caller by phone or by email on a daily basis, although, it's not always easy. Please do not be disappointed if you are not communicated with the same day you request an appointment, booking, or a seat in our audience.

Jennifer's 2nd Book
"The Energy of Illness"
Jennifer's new book 'THE ENERGY OF ILLNESS' is available on June 20th, 2014. Pre-order now! $19.95 with signature.
Discover the psychology of illness. Understand how our mental and emotional energy can create an imbalance.